Dinkins Leadership and Public Policy Forum This year’s Forum was proud to welcome New York City’s 109th Mayor, Bill de Blasio, to present the keynote speech (21:40′). David N. Dinkins Leadership and Public Policy Forum provides a vehicle f...
It’s January 2009. Obama takes office. Within days, he shuts down the CIA’s detainee program. But he says he’d rather not dwell on the past. Jan. 11, 2009 President-elect Barack Obama tells George Stephanopoulos he’s not interested in a...
INSIDE THINKERS LAB TALK SHOW Executive Producer Klara Buda Project Presentation Created,Hosted,Directed by Klara Buda FORMAT TALK SHOWWeekly,One Hour ...
November 24, 2013 The week preceding the 101 anniversary of 28 November of 1912, the Albanian-American community celebrated the Independence Day all over the United States as well as in New York. Sunday November 24, in the Pelham Parkway of the Bronx...