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  • Paris, Sep 2, 2021. “It was like my soul was knocked down with those towers. My life spiralled out of control. I didn’t do a day’s work in nearly 10 years, and I was a complete mess.” Marcy Borders, “the Dust Lady*”, New York Post...

  • Paris, 30 August, 2021 – International Day of the Disappeared “None of the 6,000 missing persons from communism have been exhumed or identified by the state in Albania, and no memorial bearing the names of the missing is yet built in the ...

  • Paris mardi 24 août The philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy died on Monday evening, August 23, according to information from the Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace. Jean-Luc Nancy, born on July 26, 1940 in Caudéran (Gironde), was 81 years old. “Jean-Luc ...

  • Paris, August 12. 2021. The United Nations issues “Mother Teresa” commemorative stamps on August 12 At the age of eighteen, she went to India and devoted herself to helping the poor. Mother Teresa was of Albanian ethnicity, she became an ...

  •   ADIEU   Pas de larmes, pour qu’en mémoire, Je puisse sans trubles, Conserver ton regard plein d’espoir, Madeleine chagrinée !   Ne pleure pas ! Le deuil noble, Ne se déclare jamais ! Ainsi de l’amour/ Tout comme l’amou...

  • British Museum in London, in 1876 (with the number 208), had registered an important archaeological object called "The Runner of Prizren" ("Running female figure")*, discovered and brought from the area of Prizren. Its values ​​are variable. Firs...

  • La sublimation, par Claude ARNAUD, de ce qui ne devait être qu’une simple flânerie littéraire au fil de l'eau ! L’espace de ce voyage, la péniche est devenue, grâce au savoir et à l’érudition de Claude Arnaud, une véritable encyclopédi...

  • Paris, le 29 juin, 2021. Après plus de deux siècles de collectes, de publications et de traductions, la majeure partie des épopées des peuples du monde sont aujourd’hui accessibles au lecteur francophone. Nombre d’entre elles ont même été ...