
  • Tu écris ce qu'on te dicte!

    The picture present ironiquement notre goal! Caption – totalitarian attitude: you write what you’re told! “Journalism is an intellectual exercise that anyone, regardless of profession, can undertake. The only indisputable ingredient...

  • Tu écris ce qu'on te dicte!

    New York, August 28, 2015 « Le journalisme est un exercice intellectuel que chacun indépendamment de sa profession peut exercer. Les seuls ingrédients indesponsables sont : l’honnêteté et de l’audace … mais pour être un bon analiste il fa...

  • KlaraBudaPost writes for four main audiences: The wise public – aware and not aware readers Professional – investors, fund managers, brokers, lawyers, tax specialists and others who take actions based on the news or may use it as a talking p...

  • ”  Whatever is preventing [Albania*, …] from becoming richer, it is not lack of education” RH TIRANA – In an era characterized by political polarization and policy paralysis, we should celebrate broad agreement on economic strat...

  • NEW YORK – Some economists overlook the modern idea that a country’s prosperity depends on innovation and entrepreneurship. They take the mechanistic view that prosperity is a matter of employment, and that employment is determined by “demand...

  • CAMBRIDGE – When Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi invited US President Barack Obama to attend his country’s Republic Day ceremonies earlier this year, it signaled an important change in relations between the world’s two biggest democracies. ...

  • Tu écris ce qu'on te dicte!

    Observe, understand and report without judgement and whoever you are you became the news reporter! When you succeed doing this, you will be a reporter and will open your door to be “grand reporter[1]” Try to observe, understand and report without...

  • Interview avec Joséphine Dedet, auteur de « Géraldine, reine des Albanais 1» paru  en Hongrie, éditions Europa, sortie le 27 Aout, 2015 KBP – D’après les témoignages publiés dans votre livre les Albanais aimaient  Géraldine. ...