Urban Philosophy

  • Freud’s Metapsychology, On War and Death Beyond the Pleasure Principle, and Civilization and Its Discontents and more...Catherine Malabou...

  • Collective Memory Paris, 9 Mai 2021 The Reader (Der Vorleser) is a novel by German law professor and judge Bernhard Schlink published by Diogenes in 1995. The story is a parable, dealing with the difficulties post-war German generations have had comp...

  • Apr 19, 2021, 12:38 h The Great Hack is a 2019 documentary film about the Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal, produced and directed by Jehane Noujaim and Karim Amer, both previous documentary Academy Award nominees. The Great Hack w...

  • Paris, 6 février, 2021. « Une origine est un fantôme qui s’actualise parfois pour s’imposer comme une évidence, avant de regagner à pas de loups son grenier ». C. Arnaud Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé à quoi ressemblerait une « hybridit...

  • Jean Jaurès

    Paris, le 17.10.2020 Publiée dans « La Dépêche » du dimanche 15 janvier 1888 “Vous tenez en vos mains l’intelligence et l’âme des enfants ; vous êtes responsables de la patrie. Les enfants qui vous sont confiés n’auron...

  • Paris, 10 shtator, 2020 “KY TESTAMENT SHPIRTI”, kështu titullohet libri që ka disa ditë që po qarkullon në duart e lexuesve shqiptarë, shkruar nga Inis Jorgo. Në fakt, titulli ka përpara një emër të njohur: Rushen Golemi. Autor...

  • Paris, 06. 21. 2020 The electronic vote to remove from office Vjosa Osmani is the second scandal. Democracy without women is no democracy! Vjosa Osmani is the most-voted woman in Kosova actually and in the political history of Kosova, the results o...

  • Paris, Jun 12, 2020 It seems evident that the actual government of Kosovo, a coalition of the Democratic League of Kosovo, LDK, the second party with the oppositions parties and the serbe’s list directed by Hoti, even then had 61 votes ( the 61...