
  • Paris, 1 Juin, 2020 Pour la vérité il faut savoir mordre! Dans ce dessin pour la bonne cause d’aider les enfants autistes, J’aime la proportion donnée a ma bouche, son accent! Fadil Berisha avait découvert mon sourire, Avant son ‘sh...

  • Paris, 23 May 2020 Joint article of French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian and German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas. Germany and France: Re-start the EU-led dialogue now! The coronavirus has turned our daily lives upside down, with a risk to accent...

  • Freedom of Pacific Protest in Albania!

    Paris, Mai 18, 2020 The building of National Theatre of Albania (1939-2020) The building of National Theatre of Albania (1939-2020) The building of National Theatre Albania was demolished at Mai 17 2020 before the sunset. The people of Tirana were in...

  • Tu écris ce qu'on te dicte!

    19.12.2020 08:05 Paris Klarabudapost asks OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media to review the position about the autoregulation of media online #Albania and a low which gives to AMA the powers similar to those of courts. The effect will be dram...

  • As Ronan Searle began to branch out into editorial and illustration assignments on the Continent during the 1950s he did several cartoons for French newspaper Le Figaro Littéraire. One of them represents the french spirit of tolerance…   ...

  • Are the crimes discussed as a basis for impeachment? It seems so to me. Has Trump committed vastly more serious crimes? That is hardly debatable. What might be debatable is whether he is indeed the most dangerous criminal in human history (which happ...

  • Conversation with Philippe Lançon animated by Stéphane Gerson @Maison Française de NY University Philippe Lançon, a journalist, author, and contributor to Charlie Hebdo, was gravely wounded in the January 7, 2015 attack at the magazine’s offi...

  • Paris, 15 janvier, 2010 Le Luth des montagnes : Une épopée albanaise Il aura fallu attendre quatre-vingt-deux ans pour que le chef d’œuvre du grand poète albanais, Gjergj Fishta soit traduit en langue française. En effet, Le Luth des Montagnes...