
  •   City Style  Converse Woman-:) Credit KlaraBudaPost...

  • ”  Whatever is preventing [Albania*, …] from becoming richer, it is not lack of education” RH TIRANA – In an era characterized by political polarization and policy paralysis, we should celebrate broad agreement on economic strat...

  • CAMBRIDGE – Many countries have substantial diasporas, but not many are proud of it. After all, people tend not to leave a country when it is doing well, so the diaspora is often a reminder of a country’s darker moments. El Salvador, Nicaragua, a...

  • NEW YORK – Some economists overlook the modern idea that a country’s prosperity depends on innovation and entrepreneurship. They take the mechanistic view that prosperity is a matter of employment, and that employment is determined by “demand...

  • “While waiting for the second edition of Klara Buda’s Chloroform, I and an entire generation find the forbidden night.” I have walked a lot. I have walked into each and every one of Tirana’s bookstores looking for a book that...

  • London, November 15, 2009 Her novel brings back memories of Kundera’s books or Miguel Angel Asturias’s El Señor Presidente (Mister President). The book is an autopsy of a totalitarian system and the reproduction of a rough reality that tur...

  • Sonila MEROLLI, interviste me autoren  Zonja BUDA, deri më tani ju jeni e njohur si publiciste, gazetare. “Kloroform” është romani i parë. Përse vonoi kaq gjatë libri? Gjatë gjithë kësaj kohe kam shkruar, por duke pasur një kërkesë p...

  • Interview of Klara Buda conducted by Sonila Merolli Published by Panorama Ms. Buda, until now we have known you as a publicist and a journalist. Chloroform is your first novel. Why did this book take so long? I have always written, but I am a perfec...