Paris, Mai 18, 2020 The building of National Theatre of Albania (1939-2020) The building of National Theatre of Albania (1939-2020) The building of National Theatre Albania was demolished at Mai 17 2020 before the sunset. The people of Tirana were in...
Are the crimes discussed as a basis for impeachment? It seems so to me. Has Trump committed vastly more serious crimes? That is hardly debatable. What might be debatable is whether he is indeed the most dangerous criminal in human history (which happ...
Conversation with Philippe Lançon animated by Stéphane Gerson @Maison Française de NY University Philippe Lançon, a journalist, author, and contributor to Charlie Hebdo, was gravely wounded in the January 7, 2015 attack at the magazine’s offi...
Paris, Aug 25, 2019. TEARS. TEARS! tears! tears! In the night, in solitude, tears, On the white shore dripping, dripping, suck’d in by the sand, Tears, not a star shining, all dark and desolate, Moist tears from the eyes of a muffled head; O wh...
This book contributes to the microeconomics of growth among SMEs in less-developed countries. It begins with an overview of the Kosovo economy and takes the case of Kosovo to explore the dynamics and determinants of firm growth. The author does this ...
Paris, Jun 19, 2019 The Female Body, Communist Governmentality and the “New Wo/Man” A Review on Klara Buda’s Novel Chloroform Although Chloroform is Klara Buda’s first novel, the ability of the Albanian-born author to mold words as if they ...
Live në Emisionin Ekspres, KOHA VISION, Kosovë #FemArt, Prishtinë Intervistoi Edona Binaku KOHA VISION: Ju keni punuar si gazetare për njëzetë vjet në media ndërkombëtare si dhe keni punuar edhe në Unesco. Përveç angazhimit në punimet ak...
Paris 29 march 2019 Agnès Varda n’aura cessé de donner le vertige à ceux qui l’approchaient, regardaient ses films, visitaient ses expositions, se confrontaient aux événements qu’elle bricola jusqu’à son dernier souffle, intervenu vendr...