New York, May, 2013 The nominated items are two very old Gospels (codices) found in Berat, Albania: “Beratinus 1”, dating from the sixth century, and “Beratinus-2” from the ninth century. Both form part of the seven “purple codices” which...
New York, Jan 8, 12:22 AM 2015 Jointly published by Illyria Newspaper Four cartoonists and the Editor-in-chief of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo were killed in an attack after gunmen stormed their offices yesterday. There is not a more...
Respect for the free speech and media freedom fighter ! HOMAGE to Wolinsky This is an attack of free speech! The people will have more fear. Should France put their journalist in the armored bunker! If so France can do it, but what about millions ...
“We played with the themes of death, psychological death and surviving war […] but we had been making two different movies. Some people make films collaboratively, others like to force through their own ideas, whether they work or not”RS KB...
On this day we give thanks to our troops and intelligence personnel who have been relentless against the terrorists responsible for 9/11–devastating the core al Qaeda leadership, delivering justice to Osama bin Laden, disrupting terroris...
Filmi Heroi, si një nga filmat e parë me metrazh të gjatë prodhuar në Kosovë e të financuar nga Qendra Kinematografike e Kosovës është ndoshta filmi i pare i shtetit më të Ri të botës qe ka pare spekatori i huaj. Ai perben një paraqi...
New York 20 tetor 2014 Filmi Heroi hapi natën e parë të Festivalit të Filmit Shqiptar, të enjten më 2 Tetor, në SVA Teater 333 West 23rd street, NYC. Me regji dhe skenar te Luan Kryeziut dhe në kast emra të mirënjohur si Arben Bajraktaraj,...
Through portraits of prominent and successful characters from Albania and Kosovo and all Albanians Land as well as from Diaspora the show analyze the Albanian complexity, evolution of traditional rites and customs towards the transition years within...