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  •   Pi sonte… Sonte pi pa kursim, Pi sa të dehesh, Tapë bëhu… Pi sonte se viti iku, Tjetri po avitet, Pija ta lehtëson…     Një vit më shumë, Mbi supet e lodhura, Me stres e mashtrim… Sonte pi dhe botën, Duaje se i pirë,...

  • There’s a wide gulf of differences between the incoming and outgoing Presidents. Leave it to famed author Stephen King succinctly illuminate the biggest one. Stephan King took to Twitter to comment on President-elect Donald Trump. King pointed out ...

  • Racial slurs. Sexist epithets. Xenophobic violence. Chants of “build that wall” in front of Latino schoolchildren. This is the ugliest America many of us have seen. People across the US have reported being targets of aggressive comments, threats,...

  • BERLIN – Now that Donald Trump has been elected President of the United States, the end of what was heretofore termed the “West” has become all but certain. That term described a transatlantic world that emerged from the twentieth century’s t...

  •   Création de Yamen Mohamad, metteur en scène syrien Avec Daniel Berlioux et Arben Bajraktaraj. Un spectacle d’après Victoria Station de Harold Pinter. Il a été présenté en 2012 à l’Institut Supérieur des Arts Dramatiques de...

  • Paris, le 2 decembre, 2016 Langue Culture et fête nationale… J’avais passé vingt ans de ma vie professionnelle â Paris, et la fête Nationale à l’Ambassade d’Albanie dans la capitale française n’avait plus de mystère pour moi. Pou...

  • Paris, le 5 december, 2016 La belle rentrée littéraire de janvier 2017 en France offre son lot de nouveautés comme d’habitude, entre contemporains capitaux et nouvelles plumes confirmées. Les grands noms de la littérature mondiale sont au rend...

  • Trump can still be stopped. The Founding Fathers foresaw just this catastrophe, and built a fail-safe into the Constitution. It’s called the Electoral College. Alexander Hamilton was explicit: this mechanism was designed to ensure that “the offic...