Cultural Centre

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    What we show is that it can economically also be valuable in market efficiency terms,” said David Stark, professor of sociology and international affairs at Columbia University. Across markets and locations, pricing accuracy is 58 percent highe...

  • Through portraits of prominent and successful characters from Albania and Kosovo and all Albanians Land as well as from Diaspora the show analyze the Albanian complexity, evolution of traditional rites and customs towards the transition years within...

  • The role of the cultural center is to be a point of interconnection between Albanian associations and migrants themselves. Promotion of trade relations between the host country (in this case the U.S but soon Paris, London, Rome) with Albania and Koso...

  • During 20 years working and leaving in Paris, in parallel with my work in Radio France Internationale, I followed especially almost every Albanian Cultural and Politic activity in France. I early understood the importance of Cultural Centers for the...

  •         INSIDE THINKERS LAB TALK SHOW Executive Producer Klara Buda   Project Presentation    Created,Hosted,Directed by Klara Buda                             FORMAT TALK SHOWWeekly,One Hour ...

  • Financial plan, self-duding and sponsorship, first idea now evoluated “Initially was decided that the Promotion Centre for Albanian Art and Culture would be financed by the budget of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania and Kosovo. The i...

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