Beratinus Television

  • Michael Hayden, the former head of the NSA and CIA, thinks some of presidential candidate Donald Trump‘s campaign promises are so unlawful that the U.S. Armed Forces could not follow them as orders....

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  • “There is nothing more mysterious than a TV set left on in an empty room. It is even stranger than a man talking to himself or a woman standing dreaming at her stove. It is as if another planet is communicating with you.” Jean Baudrillard, Americ...

  • Per momentin kanali negocion dhe do te difuzohet nga ALB TV...

  • Meet Your Eagle, the first Albanian reality show in New York City is a weekly show, 55 minutes in length. Meet Your Eagle will incorporate humor and will contrast what is outmoded and what is modern for all Albanians, whether they are in New York, P...

  • New York,  9 tetor, 2014 Nga 2 deri më 9 tetor u zhvillua në New York City edicioni i tretë i Festivalit të Filmit Shqiptar, Albanian Film Festival. I themeluar tre vjet më parë, këtë vit festivali, përveç edicionit që sapo u mbyll, do t...

  • Cameraman / Producer Temporary position Department: Programming and Production Job Description: Under general supervision from a Senior Producer, the Producer researches, develops, produces, writes, and edits video segments for Thinkers Lab and Klara...

  • KBP- Dans la société albanaise fatiguée par le Statu Quo vous vous présentez comme un facteur apte d’apporter le changement. Comment allez-vous satisfaire cette soif de changement ? ER-Nous allons faire toute ce qui est possible pour créer ...