
  • They have explained me that after Tito’s death we should all cry and we did as kids in 1980. In that time we still as Kosovo Albanians did not considered ourselves the victims, the Serbian apartheid and genocide came after, in 1990-1999. In this pe...

  • Per sa i perket artikujve kritike Kritiku i mire behet a eshte ai qe admiron krijimin si akt Nuk ka më bukur se kur gjen kritikun adeguat që të ndihmon të analizosh, nje vepër, një stil apo një dukuri letrare, duke u bazuar vetëm në vlerat ...

  • Mandi Gueguen est journaliste et traductrice aux journaux français Courrier International et Courrier des Balkans, avec pour vocation, la volonté d’ouvrir aux lecteurs francophones une fenêtre sur les particularités de la vie et de l’espa...

  • kjj...

  •   You can’t state or imply that KlaraBudaPost, the article, or anyone featured in the article endorses a particular product or service. You cannot reproduce any KlaraBudaPost logos, or other marks without specific permission. You can’t edit ...

  • Mme Seiti earns a Master's degree in Studies of contemporary society and regularly publishes to the prestigious La Documentation Française as well as to Courrier des Balkans, Revue “Agir”, Regard sur l’Est and Fenêtres sur l’Europe....

  • ...

  • Viola Isufaj is a writer and a lector of Contemporary Albanian Literature in the Department of Literature, Faculty of History and Philology, University of Tirana. She is the author of several books (research, university texts and literary fiction as ...