Can we take facebook seriously anymore ?

I don’t think that the Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg have had bad intentions, that he worked in purpose against the First amendment, when he creed the first Facebook platform, but now Facebook had reached its limits. Now it is a big public platform and cannot overlook the raison the people report other people. Facebook need immediately to change the way it fonctions because this is in open opposition with the Freedom of expression! The popular platform have the obligation to hire editors who will be able de control the content that people report! Facebook cannot function anymore only with algorithms, because in this way it gave the power to inquisiteurs and this is damaging the freedom of expression and for this raison is illegal!

Klara Buda

On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 2:17 PM my personal account and my author page in Facebook was censored!

Until today January 2, that I have my pages back and a message from Facebook which announced that my page is again valid, I wrote a number of messages withaut succès, until last night that I wrote un article accusing Facebook to censor the free speech.  screen-shot-2017-01-02-at-4-10-23-pm

My page is now in the web, everybody can see it and judge the content of my posts! I was convinced that the billionaire Donald Trump, do not fit to be the president of United States and selected articles from The New York Times, Project Syndicate, The Guardian, The Atlantic and many others serious newspapers and published in my online gazette articles supporting my point of view. Those posts about american election caused controversy to my Facebook friends, who made a lot of comments and sometime used an  aggressive ton. I remained ethic in all occasion –  everybody can constat that consulting my statements, commentaries and posts in my personal page.

The last statements I posted about the campaign was the article announcing that: “Oprah Winfrey endorses Hillary Clinton…” and the New York Time article: ” Donald Trump Starts Summer Push With Crippling Money Deficit”. After this last post my personal page facebook was disabled and I didn’t have access anymore.

My author page was still censored, today Janvier 2, 2017!   But I found out searching his url address that its status was curiously not published!screen-shot-2017-01-02-at-2-59-02-pm

I published the page so you can see in the url address:

Mais there is not any guarantee about the perennity of those pages, because the free speech is not appreciated by everybody and over all the people who don’t like their own truth! So, every time that somebody want to block me even without raison my page will be censored by Facebook, which do not care about content but about numbers !



My other book page, which is a group page, created by my fans, Klara Buda roman Kloroform that follow is still not public :

One can see in the picture that the status is ” not published”!


I don’t think that the Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg have had bad intentions, that he was against the First amendment, when he creed the Facebook, but now that the platform have so many users, it reached its limits. Now it is a big public platform and cannot overlook the raison the people report other people. Facebook need immediately to change the way it fonction because this is in open opposition with the Freedom of expression! The popular platform have the obligation to hire editors who will be able de control the content that people report! Facebook cannot function anymore only with algorithms, because in this way it gave the power to inquisiteurs and this is damaging the freedom of expression and for this raison is illegal!

But, I just realised – and this is troubling – that only the Facebook team can block or disable an author page!

Here is the fact : my personal account can be report by Trump supporters that are not happy with my posts, but they do not have any tools to block an author page, which have only followers, and here is the thing: my author page, like all pages couldn’t be disabled by Trump supporter. Only the Facebook team can block or disable an author page!

So here we have the proof that the problem with facebook is not only the algorithm but a clear positionnement of this plateform in the favor of Trump! This is very troubling!!!

This article is original of Facebook in the favor of Trump, a clear positionnement! Troubling!