Unknown Masterpieces of Literature Program
Literary quality is the only criterion for selection of unpublished works.
Authors priority list will be set by the Board of Institut to be published in the collection Unknown Masterpieces of Literature.
Les authors planed for Unknown Masterpiece Collection
- Mitrush Kuteli “Fshati im e pi rakinë” ( Mon Village Sait Boire Le Raki)
- Kasem Trebeshina ” Pylli” ( La Forêt)
- At Gjergj Fishta, “Lahuta e Malsise” ( Le Lyth des Montagnes )
To publish
- Haxhihasani, Qemal – Legendary folk songs, Tirana, 1955
- Haxhihasani, Qemal – Legendary Epic, first volume, Tirana, 1966, the second volume, Tirana, 1983
- Musine Kokalari, (selected work)
- Ernest Koliqi, ( selected work)
- Faik Konica, (selected work)
- Mitrush Kuteli, (selected work)
The extraordinary Found for the Publication of Fundamental Albanian works of literature in prose and poetry in French and English is now open at Paris: IBAN FR76 1820 6001 4165 0428 6236 812