
This is a site to promote the global citizen journalism, your help will make possible others to read in a language other then the original text and will help the better diffusion of ethic journalism in service of the public.


Get involved to correct the translation if you like the subject.

For this look at the language of the original text and then select the language in which you wish to read the article. Select this language and the system will translate instantly. If you see that in the text translated by the system there are mistakes and want to correct them, you are welcome!

For this you need to register and then to ask to be a contributor for correction of translations. It is preferable to correct the translation to your mother tongue. To do this you must know well the original language of the article.


This is a site to promote the global citizen journalism. Your contribution will make possible others to read in a language other then the original text and will help the better diffusion of ethic journalism in service of the a global public.


Pour cela regarde la langue du texte original et puis selecter la langue dans laquelle tu voudras  lire l’article. Selecte this langue et le sisteme va le traduire instantanement. Si vous voyez que dans le texte traduit par le systeme il y des erreurs que vous voulez les corriger, vous etes benvenue! It is preferable de corriger la traduction vers votre langue meternelle. Pour realiser cette operation il faut que vous connaissiez bien la langue d’origine de l’article.