MOUNTAINS “The inscribed Circles” by Rudolf Marku

 Collection of Poems by Rudolf Marku.

“Early one morning, at the cock’s crow, if you will /They departed, without a farewell, without a backward glance…” excerpt from the poetry Mountains.

“Despite the fact that the poem was not written directly in English, the translation by the author transforms it into minor literature.” Klara Buda

“The inscribed Circles”, Onufri Publishing House, Tirana, 2020.

The Poet Rudolf Marku, Tirana, 1974

Paris, 9.9.2020

I asked the poet Rudolf Marku to translate in English the poetry  MOUNTAINS from the Book ” The inscribed Circles”, Onufri Publishing House, Tirana, 2020. Despite the fact that the poem was not written directly in English, the translation by the author transforms it into minor literature. Klara Buda


Late last night,
Not expecting a single knock,
A roaring noise was heard in the yard.
Not with arrogance or with courtesy,
The Mountains entered my house.
On the doorstep, they flung off the snow,
As we shake our coats when rushing in
Out of a storm.
Silent and wise, without a single word,
They made it known that they had come from afar.
A few torrents tumbled down their laps,
Capricious and yet shy,
Like tykes in awe of their grandfathers,
A few wolves howled at the lampshade
-mistaken of course for the moon-

A plummeting avalanche was proffered as a pillow,
As mountain goats knelt to watch
The news, with myriad murders and money markets.
Early one morning, at the cock’s crow, if you will,
They departed, without a farewell, without a backward glance.
When the children returned from school
I watched them from my window as they played with stones for the first time,
Trying to construct some crooked walls
That could never collapse.
©Rudolf Marku, from the Book ” The inscribed Circles”, minor literature Publishing House,
Tirana, 2020.
Photo courtesy Rudolf Marku
Despite the fact that the poem was not written directly in English, the translation by the author transforms it into minor literature. ©Klarabudapost minor literature/l©Klarabudapost littérature mineure