Cameraman / Producer Temporary position Department: Programming and Production Job Description: Under general supervision from a Senior Producer, the Producer researches, develops, produces, writes, and edits video segments for Thinkers Lab and Klara...
Urimet më të mira nga të gjithë kontributorët e KlaraBudaPost! Shëndete, mbarësi dhe Suksese! Ja si të dergoni mesage me nje klik gjithë miqve tuaj!...
South Hampton International Film Festival, USA, le 18 Octobre, 2015 « Score in a feature », la meilleure musique originale dans un film de fiction -South Hampton International Film Festival, USA est atribué au Compositeur d’origine Albanaise ...
New York City, June 14, 2015 ‘Albanian Cultural Diplomacy launches “Mothers of Courage” project in New York City, with the participation of ethnic Albanians from all Albanian lands and Diaspora’ “Making the decision to have a child – ...
“There is nothing more mysterious than a TV set left on in an empty room. It is even stranger than a man talking to himself or a woman standing dreaming at her stove. It is as if another planet is communicating with you.” Jean Baudrillard, Americ...
Meet Your Eagle First Albanian Reality Show in New York City! ...
Meet Your Eagle, the first Albanian reality show in New York City is a weekly show, 55 minutes in length. Meet Your Eagle will incorporate humor and will contrast what is outmoded and what is modern for all Albanians, whether they are in New York, P...
What is being Albanian from a modern point of view? It analyzes the different combinations of organizational culture (traditional and modern) passing by the imposed communist culture of obligation and control. The organizational culture is constru...