Cultural Centre

  • New York Sep 14, 2015 @ 5:46 Avec l’éviction de Claire Chazal, c’est une partie de la femme libre et libérée qui est évincée du TF1, mais aussi une certaine façon sereine, distanciée – à la française – de traiter l’information et...

  • Définir «territorialement» le peuple albanais n’est pas simple. Par exemple, l’utilisation du mot «Pays» définit les Albanais d’Albanie. En revanche, l’utilisation du mot «Nation» ne définit pas seulement les Albanais d’Albanie, ma...

  • ” Whatever is preventing [Albania*, …] from becoming richer, it is not lack of education” RH TIRANA – In an era characterized by political polarization and policy paralysis, we should celebrate broad agreement on economic strat...

  • Interview avec Joséphine Dedet, auteur de « Géraldine, reine des Albanais 1» paru en Hongrie, éditions Europa, sortie le 27 Aout, 2015 KBP – D’après les témoignages publiés dans votre livre les Albanais aimaient Géraldine. ...

  • New York City, 11 Korrik, 2015 Momenti qe vendos te besh femije eshte shume i rendesishem. Vendos te lesh zemren tende te qarkulloje jashte trupit tend pergjithmone. Nuk e di pse me erdhi menjehere ky citat I shkruar nga shkrimtarja amerikane Elizabe...

  • New York City, June 14, 2015 ‘Albanian Cultural Diplomacy launches “Mothers of Courage” project in New York City, with the participation of ethnic Albanians from all Albanian lands and Diaspora’ “Making the decision to have a child – ...

  • “Culture Project is dedicated to addressing critical human rights issues by shining an artistic spotlight on injustice. By fostering innovative collaboration between human rights organizations and artists, we aim to inspire and impact public di...

  • New York, Jan 8, 12:22 AM 2015 Jointly published by Illyria Newspaper Four cartoonists and the Editor-in-chief of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo were killed in an attack after gunmen stormed their offices yesterday. There is not a more...