
  • Jean Jaurès

    Paris, le 17.10.2020 Publiée dans « La Dépêche » du dimanche 15 janvier 1888 “Vous tenez en vos mains l’intelligence et l’âme des enfants ; vous êtes responsables de la patrie. Les enfants qui vous sont confiés n’auron...

  • The master puppeteers

    Paris, le 7 juin – Seria “demokracie pour les nuls” Intolerancë ndaj qeverisë illegjitime Hoti ? ose Koncepti i tolerancës së volteriane ka dy anë ! Shumica e manipulimeve bëhën të mundur nga përdorimi i shtëmbëruar i dis...

  • Kosova, Albanian Exode march 1999 © Francesco Zizola...

  • Freedom of Pacific Protest in Albania!

    Paris, Mai 18, 2020 The building of National Theatre of Albania (1939-2020) The building of National Theatre of Albania (1939-2020) The building of National Theatre Albania was demolished at Mai 17 2020 before the sunset. The people of Tirana were in...

  • Paris, septembre 2019, Féminicides dans l’ex-Bloc de l’Est Maria Tuçi Emprisonnée en 1949 pour sa foi chrétienne, elle meurt à la suite de tortures d’une sauvagerie inégale, enfermée toute nue dans un sac avec un chat furieux, qu...

  • Arshi Pipa (1920 – July 20, 1997) was an Albanian philosopher, writer, poet and literary critic. He attended school in Shkodër until 1938. Pipa received a BA equivalent degree (“Laurea”) in philosophy at the University of Florence in 1...

  • This book contributes to the microeconomics of growth among SMEs in less-developed countries. It begins with an overview of the Kosovo economy and takes the case of Kosovo to explore the dynamics and determinants of firm growth. The author does this ...

  • Live në Emisionin Ekspres, KOHA VISION, Kosovë #FemArt, Prishtinë Intervistoi Edona Binaku KOHA VISION: Ju keni punuar si gazetare për njëzetë vjet në media ndërkombëtare si dhe keni punuar edhe në Unesco. Përveç angazhimit në punimet ak...